
Your Path to Healing and Growth

We offer specialized counselling services focusing on; Trauma | Depression | Relationships | Anxiety | Anger Management


About Us

Welcome to, where our team comprises some of the most esteemed independent psychologists, relationship coaches, and counselors. Our primary focus is on guiding individuals and couples toward harmony, resilience, and personal transformation. With extensive expertise in trauma counseling, anxiety counseling, and anger management, we offer unwavering support and expert guidance to those facing life's challenges.

Dr. Benade, our relationship coach and counselor, specializes in empowering individuals and couples to deepen intimacy, enhance communication, and overcome obstacles. Our commitment extends to providing a safe and empathetic space for trauma survivors to process experiences and embark on a journey toward emotional recovery. Whether you're navigating anxiety or seeking tools for anger management, our staff's empathetic approach, grounded in respect, ensures personalized and evidence-based support for lasting positive change. Trust our dedication and expertise as you begin your transformative journey towards emotional well-being and personal empowerment. Contact us today to take the first step toward a brighter, more fulfilling future.


Trauma counselling

Trauma Counselling

Healing from past traumatic experiences is a courageous step towards reclaiming your life. Our trauma counseling services create a safe and empathetic space for you to process your emotions, develop coping strategies, and foster resilience on the path to healing.

Depression counselling

Depression Counselling

When life feels overwhelming and joy seems distant, our depression counseling can provide the support and tools needed to navigate through these challenging times. We work collaboratively to address the root causes of your depression and develop a plan to restore hope and vitality.

Relationship counselling

Relationship Counselling

Strong and fulfilling relationships are essential to our well-being, but they can encounter challenges. Our relationship counseling services are designed to enhance communication, deepen emotional connection, and foster a loving partnership built on trust and understanding.

Anxiety counselling

Anxiety Counselling

Strong and fulfilling relationships are essential to our well-being, but they can encounter challenges. Our relationship counseling services are designed to enhance communication, deepen emotional connection, and foster a loving partnership built on trust and understanding.

Anger management counselling

Anger management Counselling

Uncontrolled anger can strain relationships and hinder personal growth. Our anger management counseling helps you identify triggers, develop healthy coping mechanisms, and cultivate emotional regulation skills.


1hr 30min

Special package offer available

Available for all individual & couple therapy sessions. T&C's


Cancer counselling

Registered Trauma Counsellor with HPCSA/Practice Number with BHF(Medical Aid Fund)


Mental health coach

Registered Counsellor with HPCSA/Practice Number (Medical Aid Fund)


Relationship counselling

Rekindle your connection, together.


Trauma counselling

We live in a world where we are all at risk of being exposed to a trauma

The bridge that guides you from uncertainty to clarity, from pain to healing, and from darkness to a brighter tomorrow.

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